


Chapter 11- Necropolis (END OF ARC 1)

Heys Guyss,

Author here, new chapter is done.. and i hope you guys like it.

I AM DESPERATELY IN NEED OF PR, someone please volunteer. Ahhahahah, anyway i hope you guys like it and thankyou for sticking with me to the conclusion of ARC 1 of AVALON hope you liked it so far, as folks cause its jut getting started...

Please dont forget to comment, review, and also rate, i hope you guys like it...


Check out my fics:

http://www.royalroadl.com/fiction/1658 - Avalon
http://www.royalroadl.com/fiction/1556 - Heroes of Jorg

Deimos POV:

I made my way through the round walls of the cemetery until I found a convenient dark place to practice with my new body. I made a small vault up, caught one of the metal spikes and used it for leverage to pull myself to the top of the wall. Perhaps the spikes were ornaments after all; they served no purpose, who would want to go into a cemetery. The moon broke through the cloud and I found myself looking out over the graveyard. It was an eerie sight silvered light. Mist was rising. Gravestones loomed out of it, like islands rising from some sort of a dismal sea. Trees leaned over like enormous ogre like beats, raising branched arms as if in worship of the people entering this bleak place. Somewhere in the distance the fire I made for myself at the end of a large club-like stick flickered and then vanished.

All around me loomed gravestones. Some were tumbled. Others were overgrown with weeds and black Thornrose bushes. Here and there an engraved inscription was almost visible in the moonlight. The graves were laid out in long rows, like streets of the dead. Old gnarled trees overshadowed them in places. Every where the mist drifted spectrally, sometimes becoming so thickly cloudy that vision was obscured. The smell of black Thornroses filled the air.

It was easy to envision the countless bodies decomposing under the ground, worm burrowing through rotting flesh and the empty eye sockets of corpses. From there it was but a short leap of the imagination to picture those corpses emerging from beneath the ground, skeletal hands reaching upward through the soil, like fingers of drowning swimmers emerging beneath the sea.

I quickly moved along thoroughfares between the graves, and slowly realized that the Graveyard was more like a necropolis, a city of the dead. It had its districts and its place just like the city outside. Here was the poor quarter, the are where paupers and commoners were thrown into unmarked communal graves. There were neatly tended gravestones where prosperous middle classes were buried. I felt like they competed with each other in the ornateness of the headstones, the way jealous neighbors might compete in life. Winged angels armed with stone swords held aloft books inscribed with names and occupations of the dead. In the distance I saw that inside the graveyard was a gate a similar one to the entrance but it had been neatly cleaned even buffed, reflecting the moonlight. I read the name etched across the gate “Deborah Korsh.”

I slowly opened the creaking metal door, looked through the compound. There was nothing in this enormous place, except for a small grave right in the middle with the black Thornrose circling around the edge of the entire circular compound. The black Thornrose’s sickly sweet perfume assaulted my nostrils. I looked at man hunched over sitting on his heels at the base of the grave looking, at the grave as if he were talking to it. Balthazar?

What was he doing here? I felt a somewhat overwhelming feeling of sadness starting mingle with my earlier feelings of anxiety. This place was an indication futility of human life. I remembered my wife, my daughter, and all the people I loved from my previous life. I guess death is a universal law all things alive must die, or transcend and become Immortal to avoid it. I walked close to Balthazar who saw me coming to him and stood up wiping his eyes.

“What are you doing here boy?” he asked.

“I just came for a run Lord Balthazar. May I ask what are you doing here?” I replied.

Completely ignoring my question, Balthazar looks around as if something is watching him, ominously. “Child, it is not safe for you to come out at night to the outer edges of the city, this where, magical beasts lurk. This particular place is famous for its Blightrats that emerge at night,” He said looking around more furiously now.

“Why are you here Lord Balthazar, and who is Deborah Korsh,” I asked my curiosity getting the better of me. Balthazar gave me a look of absolute anger. I shivered a little his indifferent maniacal eyes gave a somewhat ominous feeling, combined with his absolute strength as an Emperor, I was quickly turned to run back through the compound out of the graveyard. I turned to run out but suddenly Balthazar’s cold hand gripped my shoulder.

“Be still,” The Magus whispered, “Something comes,”

I froze and glared out into the darkness, wishing that I hadn’t come here. I remembered reading about Blightrats, they were a breed of rat type magical beasts, that are aggressive and highly dangerous in nature. When the lowest ranking normal Plague rat beast of a serf rank gathers enough power it morphs into a Blightrat, a powerful Knight rank magical beast. I was at best an ordinary human when it comes to magic, and even if I do have a Bishop level body, the special skill of the Blightrat its power to call swarm of Plague rats will surely kill me. My only consolation was that Balthazar is an Emperor; he surely will be able to kill them. The Blightrats were not really intelligent and will attack anyone in their line of sight, which further made it harder to deal with them.

Balthazar looked at me then at his surroundings; he intently stared at my chest possibly at the tattoo underneath. He made a slight grin.

“Child, this will be your first test I want to see how long you will last, as I heard you have an affinity to darkness magic, I will be your master in that regards. This will be my first test to you, I want to see how you will act in a situation where you will surely lose your life,” he said his eyes no longer glazed over, but returning to their usual pitch black darkness.

Before I knew it there was nothing left where Balthazar was, as if he had blended in with the darkness of the night.

He isn’t aware that throughout my adolescent life I had fought and battled always on the edge of death. I was a Godsman and retaining that position was not an easy one. I concentrated, my muscles, locked in their unnatural position, began to protest against the strain, but still I held myself immobile, hardly daring to breathe, hoping that whatever was coming would not notice me before I saw it.

Suddenly I scented a foul and loathsome taint in the air. It smelled of rotting flesh and weeping sores, like the body of a sick man left unwashed in a hospice for weeks or years. If diseases had a smell, it would be like this, I thought. I knew in an instant that my suspicions were right. A hideous figure limped into view. It was a Blightrat. It was similar to a giant rat like creature, with dark black fur covering its body, here and there great boils erupted from its mangy fur, and something hideous dripped from its weeping skin. It was said that plague rats were, the carriers of disease and the all the kingdoms used their magus’ power to run them into extinction but they always found their way into the darker dingy part of the city such as its sewage system, and its graveyards. They soon morphed into these Blightrats when they gained enough power through training. The Blightrats each controlled a horde of Plague rats, and that was what made them extremely hard for even a Bishop to deal with, and Balthazar wants to see what I would do, a 12 year old boy with no magical skills. That man is truly insane.

The Blightrat was emaciated and its eyes glowed with a mad, feverish light. Its movements were extremely fast but looked almost drunken; it reeled as if in the grip of a disease, which interfered with its sense of balance. And yet, when it moved it sometimes did so with bursts of obscene speed, with unholy energy of a sick man mustering the last of his strength. It tittered loathsomely as it moved and screeched in its strange tongue. As it did this I noticed that on it back was a cage, and in that cage seethed rats. It stopped for a moment, then it opened the cage and the rats burst free of the open door and dropped to the ground on to compound. As they fell, they leaked urirne and foul excrement all over the Blightrat. When the foulness dripped to the earth it further amplified the hideous smell, which made me want to vomit.

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The hundreds of Rats slowly scampered on the ground running towards me, they were so plagued that they were slowly gying on their way to me, and sometimes the little rats would stop for a minute and scratch themselves until they bled, or their festering scabs and they would taste the pus that stained their claws. Sometimes they would pause and stare into space for no reason. At times foul excrement would belch forth from beneath their tails and they would lie down and writhe in it, tittering insanely. I slowly dodged each of them and with precise movements, before slowly kicking and blacking each of the rats, attack. The rats would jump in wonderful heights and try to bite me with their sharp teeth, while the Blightrat was intently staring at me. I with unbelievable strength and speed dodged each of the hundreds of rats fluidly moving my muscles in precise movements. Due to the power of my body when I punched or kicked these rats they would explode on contact, like bag full of meat producing a foul smelling incense on their death.

I slowly realized that the job of the rats was only to act as suicide bombers, so that I inhale or ingest some of the potent plague like poison hidden in their blood. I quickly jumped back behind the grave putting up a 5 meters distance between each other. There were approximately 50 rats left and the Blightrat was slowly making it move. Slowly coming to me in short bursts of incredibly speed. I brainstormed ideas in ways to get rid of these rats without inhaling any of the poison. I suddenly had an idea. I got to my bearing due to my previous combat expertise I was swiftly able to ran past the rat swarm and towards the Blightrat, which looked at me with its dark beady eyes. I knew that I should be able to destroy any order of attack this plague rats have if I destroyed its controller. When I was at hairbreadth from the Blightrat, I jumped up, about 10 metres in to the air and came down from the top like a hammer right on top of the Blightrat. The Blightrat knew that a punch from me would result in its death, and it moved swiftly back into the forest, it missed my kick from a whisker, and quickly scurried off.

I looked around and noticed that the 50 or so rats were gone too. I looked around trying to see where in the world Balthazar was, I looked in the trees to see where he was trying to determine what was happening. I knew that most likely this was to test me to see if I had enough resolve, and survival instinct to come out of this skirmish alive.

“Balthazar I passed your test, Where are you?” I yelled, looking at the looming trees surrounding the circular compound. The black Thornrose’s distinct smell was now masked with the scent of excrement, urine and flesh. I looked around and sat on top of the grave, looking and observing the internal structure of the rats. Suddenly I heard something.


I primal and screeching rat noise was heard echoing throughout the necropolis. There was intense shuffling in the trees, making the trees surrounding the compound sway uncontrollably. Abruptly the intense disgusting smell became extremely thick. Making the white mist become a disgusting yellowish hue. I looked around at my surroundings, and to my abysmal dismay. I noticed that I was surrounded by 5 more Blightrats each with their own cage on their back, they were slowly crawling, limping towards me, those giant rat like bodies making for a hideous sight. From each of the gaps in the trees that overlooked and loomed over the compound these rats emerged. My heart tightened, however skilled I was I knew that I wouldn’t be able to emerge victorious being surrounded by more than 500 rats, and be able to survive the onslaught of 5 Blightrats. Even the most powerful Bishop level combatant would not be able to protect from such an onslaught. I looked around at my surroundings, climbing on top of the grave, looking for a way to escape.

“BALTHAZAR!!!!” I called, yelling at the top of my lungs. “BALTHAZAR!!!!” I bellowed again. I heard no answer, I didn't know what to think. Maybe he works for a foreign country that doesn't want me alive. I will figure it out later, I thought to myself, pushing aside all the countless number of hypothesis my mind was formulating about the reason of Balthazar’s betrayal. I need to survive. I identified the Blightrat that I almost killed last time deducing that it may have the least amount of rats at its disposable, not giving another chance to the other Blightrats, I bounded at incredible speed towards the Blightrat, intent on killing it, and breaking through from there. I activated my Tattoo, which was now emitting a golden hue giving me an appearance of a golden flash. I made a tight fist making a loud bang from the intensity with which I curled my fingers, not letting even air escape.

I was about to execute the Blightrat when suddenly I sensed an oncoming projectile from my right. I saw that the other Blightrats noticing that I was escaping had used their attack and spat a large mass of gooey green liquid towards me. I dodged the projectile, and kept going but I sensed that there was another coming from my left. I made a duck and let the projectile hit the tree next to me. The projectile instantly eroded the tree, making an hssing noise, letting out a gas.

I suddenly felt a large green slime projectile hit me square on the back, I fell down tumbling grazing my shoulder, and making a loud thud as I did. I felt the shirt that Balthazar made me erode slowly, revealing the distinct silver light that was emanating from the star tattoo on my chest, which was now shining bright silver lighting up the surroundings. I was on my knees sweating profusely, as small amount of the liquid touched my back, giving me slight burn. I looked around and saw that I was surrounded by 100’s of rats, and the 5 Blightrats each looking at me, their beady eyes glistening with hunger, and their sharp teeth, dripping with saliva. I had to formulate a plan; I knew I couldn't dodge 5 of those projectiles at the same time, so jumping into the air was not an option; I touched the freshly lain dirt, trying to see if there was something I could make a small fire with. Slowly the rats came incessantly attacking me while the Blightrats, were spitting large green blobs, I didn't know what do.

I felt small bites all over my body, making small dents in my skin; the rats couldn't get through my tough skin. But I was not able to heal from the thick throbbing burns that the green slime gave me, as fast as the Blightrats were spitting them out. I shook the slime off continuously, at the same time killing hundreds of the small rats. Each of my punches would destroy the plague rats, as if punching a small balloon fillend with meat. I tore through the rats and again rushed through to the nearest Blightrat, which was the one to my right. The Blightrat looked at me and used its speed to scurry off but with my Tattoo activated I could move a lot faster. I tore straight through the Blightrat ignoring its green slime that it shot to my chest, and ripped it into two. I came to the other side before I realized that the inside of my body was burning. I had inhaled too large an amount of the noxious gas. I slowly fell unconscious, falling to my knees. I looked at my chest which was now sizzling due to the amount of the green slime on me.

The Blightrat’s scurried intent on killing me, opening its pungent mouth to chomp down on my head. Suddenly I felt a slight trembling in my chest, the tattoo, and the tattoo on my chest was acting up. I suddenly felt my innards seizing up, my chest tightened the inside of my body was being slowly eaten away by the poison of the rats. I coughed blood and my vision became blurry. My heart was beating, I was at deaths door. Why has Balthazar done this to me? What is happening? Will I die with out accomplishing anything?`

I slowly closed my eyes, and everything went dark…

In the depths of Deimos’ soul the string of bright light was swimming in a sea of silvery grainy liquid, his soul. For the past 2 weeks it was continuously getting smaller until there was nothing left of it, completely merging with his soul. The soul suddenly burned bright, incredibly bright, and the Purple flames dancing around it became incredibly intense, the soul was continuously refined, condensing the immense energy that surged forth from the miniscule amount of god consciousness he absorbed during the ritual.

With the overflow of energy a small gap broke through the purple flames, akin to a broken dam and the god consciousness travelled straight towards his brain, strengthening it. Deconstructing and rebuilding continuously until it was able to make a suitable brain, that was able to host its energy.
Deimos’ eyes suddenly flew open, and his bright green eyes, slowly released a cascading green mist. This is going to be fun, Deimos thought to himself…


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