Full credits to Draconis for pring so i wasnt going to release a ch today until the artwork was done but i was convinced in rrs chat by some readers and i felt bad. *sighs* even when i dont try to make a cliffhanger it seems its in my writing style well no point fighting it il just write how i always do. :)

Please Rate/Favourite/Follow/Enjoy ch 46 :) 2 more chs till end of volume 2


“But just like me you’re going to have to learn the hard way” Avrin spoke in a normal tone towards the creature. The creature growled towards Avrin as it stumbled slightly, a sort of crack visible under its chin. As if it were a shell.

Avrin, who prepared himself in a defensive stance, extended his left hand forward and his right hand back as well as his left foot forward and right foot back. Making sure his feet were firmly planted on the ground.

The Nemean rushed towards him again, unleashing a barrage of ferocious slashes that seemed to send dark energy waves every time it slashed. This made dodging a hassle for Avrin. If he were to get hit by one it would definitely hurt, especially since he wasn't utilising any dark matter abilities.

But he used this as practice. He had not gotten to spar with anyone other than Shimaru during the duration of his training and this made things easier. Shimaru was significantly faster than the Leophat.

But Avrin didn't let up. First the creature unleashed a right slash with each claw emitting a dark matter wave capable of skinning the ground itself to a degree and plowing into a tree. Then came a tail swipe which sent another dark matter wave which Avrin had to jump to avoid.

“You're just a bundle of ferocity… Quite scary..” Avrin, who kept his composure in the fight, has the mindset determined to how well he could focus and continue to avoid. As the creature slashed upwards with its left hand, while avrin was still in the air, 5 more dark matter waves pulsed towards him.

“Urk..Not good.” Avrin covered himself in an arm cross guard as 2 of the waves hit him, causing a slight explosion which resulted in a minor vacuum of air.
Avrin fell to the ground but regained his balance with one hand planted on the ground. His arm guards and gauntlets were torn up. His arm itself seemed slightly burned as steam emitted from it. The creature roared towards him as if telling him it was capable of defeating him.

Avrin seemed irritated. He hadn’t made any moves  to attack yet because he wanted to see how well he could focus on a strong opponent as well as see the creature’s potential. The Leophat seeing Avrin was seemingly barely scratched rushed towards him at high speed, appearing above him with it’s fists balled up as it smashed down towards his body.

Avrin, seeing this, didn’t hesitate to quickly back flip away in the air. Narrowly missing the attack of the creature. As the Leophat’s hands collided with the surface of the ground, the ground itself shook violently and rubble shot up as a 5x5 meter diameter, messy crater was formed.

Avrin landed back on his feet as he judged that the creature indeed had strength capable of hurting him. But he still wasn’t going seriously. Otherwise he was certain he would defeat it.

“You got quite a strength improvement” Avrin let a smile escape his lips as he spoke again while gazing at the creature standing in the rubble that came back down like rain. “I’ve decided I’m going to keep you. You’re going to come in handy as an ally”

The creature roared again, seemingly not out of breathe. Its crack like wound on its chin had also seemingly healed which impressed Avrin. The creature rushed towards Avrin on all fours, emitting a trail of dark energy that seemed to give a ghostly sound.

“Play times over…” Avrin spoke firmly as he held his right hand out and extended his fingers to their maximum length and also gave space between them as if like claws.

As the Leophat got within a meter, it felt a shiver run down its spine as it looked at Avrin who seemed to be emitting a powerful killing intent. Before the creature could dodge, it was too late. Avrin had dashed forward and plowed his palm as well as finger tips into the abdomen of the Leophat.

The force transferred through its body. As if time had stood still, a burst of air emitting from its back, shooting a couple of meters before going silent. The Leophat was sent shooting like a star towards the tree line, hitting against tree trunk after tree trunk until it had toppled 3 before collapsing onto the ground.

Avrin made his way to it, opening and closing his right hand “Thank you for that. I’ve been meaning to test the Dragon Claw ability as well. Hehe “ Avrin gave a soft laugh before stopping, looking at the Leophat that was struggling to get up. Avrin could see its chest had the same shattered look as the chin but it had broken to pieces revealing black fur underneath.

“Hmm... I see. So that’s an augmented form of yours. That explains a lot” Avrin moved towards the creature and extended his right hand again. It was time for another experiment. He began to will the dark matter of the creature to come to him only enough to weaken it. And it was done. As if like ash, the augmented shelling of the leophat began to come off the creature, letting a wail of dissatisfaction, trying to get away. But Avrin, having full control over dark matter, was just too superior for it.

It had no chance of escaping. Especially from this range. After 15 seconds it had lost 90% of the augmented shelling and was now panting on the ground. The creature had a dark purple main with black fur surrounding its body. It looked less humanoid and more like a lion from earth to a degree. It was indeed less scary than its augmented form.

Its fur was also thicker than the usual version of a Leophat. It also had a large scar like wound on its chest where its heart was located.

“Indeed it is you. It seems you’ve mutated quite significantly. Well done” Avrin spoke in praise for the creature to have survived and become like this. Although Avrin was still cautious as the creature was still panting for air. Avrin got a stick and started to poke it, as if playing with it. “If your resting, I’m trying something now. It might work it might not”

Avrin, while smiling, approached the creature and placed his hand on its head after confirming it was exhausted and injured. “Good news. Is if this works it’s going to make things a lot easier. Bad news. It may hurt like hell for both you and me” Avrin, smiling, began to emit his dark matter.

What he was doing was transferring knowledge to the creature. It was incredibly hard for him, considering it felt like his brain was going to explode. He also knew the creature was struggling to move around, but Avrin clenched his hand over its head, forcing it into the ground as it began to dig in slightly. “S..Stop moving damnit” He gave a frustrated look.

Avrin was only intending to transfer languages. This alone made him feel like vomiting, which is why his left hand was absorbing mana from the surroundings. After a minute of resisting, the creature seemed to have fallen unconscious. Avrin, who was sweating slightly as well as panting from the pain and exhaustion, felt a sort of deja vu.

After 20 minutes, Avrin had fallen on his butt. His face pale but behind his skin it was as if there was static under it. He gave a tired expression as if he hadn’t slept for weeks, and his mind was unfocused. “Tr..Transferring knowledge….Nev...Never again…” He had vowed to himself he would not put himself through that misery and hassle unless in return he got something of value that he would accept.

“Hey...You awake?...Can you understand me?” The Leophat murmured, as it was as exhausted as Avrin, and slowly opened its eyes. Its chin resting on the ground as its mouth opened and began to speak. “Aru….Ehru…”

Avrin gave a bewildered look. This creature’s tone was different, but it seemed to have trouble speaking. “Put some effort into it. Say Avrin. Go on” The creature, seemingly having no choice, spoke “Ari...Arun….Aerun…..Avan...Avrun...Avrin...Avrin”

The creature blinked in surprise. It actually managed to speak. Not only that, it seemed to have knowledge popping up in its head slowly but surely. It understood this knowledge was words, language, letters, and so on.

It forced itself onto all fours and spoke “Spaeek...Am..spaek…..Spek...Speak….Am speak...I speak...I am speak...I am speaking….” The creature roared loudly, seemingly forgetting that it just had a battle with someone who put it through misery.

Avrin had been absorbing the mana around the area and the color in his face was returning and his fatigue fading. “Very good.“ He smiled to himself. “What else can you say?“ Avrin spoke as if trying to get the creature more excited. This way he could use it against it.

This narrative has been unlawfully taken from Royal Road. If you see it on Amazon, please report it.

“I am.. Uhhh... I am a Leophat.“ It continued on proudly. “I am strong. I am a warrior. I am a hunter.” Avrin was also excited. Not only for the creatures, sake but for the reason that he seemed to have succeeded. Unfortunately, he felt that if he was to transfer anything advanced it would possibly kill it or Avrin, as his mind was something he needed to train more. As well as it depending on the mind of the person. Avrin spoke “Yes, you are a Leophat. And what do Leophats eat?”

The creature spoke as if like a child “Meat. Leophats eat meat. We love meat” Avrin grinned and spoke “Very good. And what is your name?” The creature stopped and gazed at Avrin, as it realised he was there. As it had time to think regarding his question, and then knew it was him “You. Turn me into a monster. Get me rejected by my tribe. Get me almost killed. I want revenge”

Avrin shook his head and sighed. “You dumb creature. Are you intending to fight me when you have already lost? Can you not tell I was holding back?”  The Leophat roared slightly as it echoed around “I am hunter. With this power you forced on me, I have no fear”

Avrin knew the creature was right. He wondered if that transfer had also somewhat suppressed its emotion of fear. It was truly a useful tool. Although he could kill it or beat it to death, which he would enjoy, he decided to try and reason with it as it was the best way to build a relationship.

As Avrin sat cross legged, he spoke to it. “You are telling me I have wronged to you? Your tribe got rid of you because your arm was different. What good is a tribe that doesn’t look after its members?”

The creature was silent for a bit, but since it had gotten more intelligent it tried to argue. “My tribe….follow choice...but to run. Your fault… I was normal”

Avrin chuckled softly and rubbed the back of his head. He would then try a better argument as the creature was indeed right. “What I just gave you is unimaginable power. You are 5 if not 10 times stronger than you were before. Your wounds heal quickly and you can learn to eat mana so you never starve. You will live for hundreds if not thousands of years and your power will only grow.

And I am 100% certain that one day, given time and effort, if you follow me as my pet I will help you become equal if not stronger then a dragon. If not the gods themselves”

Avrin spoke as if to coerce it. The creature was quiet as it grunted and growled. “You lie..Yyou torture me and injure me….Why I believe you?” It spoke in a sort of deep broken english. Little did either know the language they were speaking was indeed proper english. Anyone who came across them wouldn’t understand a word they were saying.

Avrin clicked his tongue quietly and shrugged. “You tried to kill me, I was trying to defend myself. Isn’t there a law in the forest? The strongest survive. Didn’t I do what I must to survive? And in the end, I didn’t kill you. Right?”

The creature roared with anger “You still injure and torture me. My tribe almost killed me...And pointy ears take me away…” Avrin chuckled and raised his finger as if lecturing. “Who do you think killed your tribe for you to help you. Not only that. The pointy ears also took me away too. They almost killed me. So we are even.”

The creature had no way to believe him so it stayed quiet for a bit and Avrin spoke again. “Haven’t you had fun so far, living in these lands with your new power? I bet it feels good beating up creatures that would usually kill you with a stroke of there hand.”

The Leophat indeed acknowledged this. Usually it would take 10 or 15 of them to take down the bear creature or the gorilla creature. It was indeed seduced by the power. But it continued to stay quiet. Avrin smiled and stood up as he stretched.

“If you stick with me and become my pet, I’ll make you stronger. And one day, there won’t be an animal on this world or a living soul that won’t fear you. Even the dragons will become a meal for you. All I ask is that you be my pet”

The Leophat growled. “I am hunter.. I am no pet...I get stronger by myself..” At this moment, Avrin offered again “Very well hunter. Become my servant. Then you are not a pet but you still obey my commands. Do you think people who see you will let you go for long? They will be worse than me. They will cut you up and do worse experiments and you won’t live. at least with me you will be safer.”

The Leophat, having new found knowledge, knew that this statement was true. It felt this power was different and its body felt strange. At one stage after it healed, it began vomiting a sort of transparent substance that was blue, and from that day onward its body felt as if it wasn’t connected to mana anymore, but something else.

“You speak true...But why I need follow you. Why I need listen you. Why not be ally” Avrin huffed. At least progress was made. He went over to the creature and gave it a pat on the back. “Remember this carefully. This power to begin with was mine alone. Consider yourself lucky I even allowed you to live. Now what is stopping me from killing you and making a deal with another creature? Merely the time and effort..”

This was 50% true and it made the Leophat cringe slightly. At this point, its body had released the fear emotion as the threat was indeed enough for it to surface. The Leophat, feeling fear for the first time in years, didn’t know how to react other than nod in agreement. The other 50% that Avrin hadn’t told it, was because he felt an attachment towards the creature. It had been the first one he tried many experiments on and it and he almost died on the same night.

“Ok… I listen.. I servant of Avrin. And Avrin teach me eat mana and grow stronger to eat dragon” The creature began to drool as it imagined what sort of taste dragon meat would give. This made Avrin back away as he felt it a little weird, but funny. He cleared his throat and spoke.

“Very well. Considering your new form, you are no longer a Leophat.” This made the creature almost teary as it growled with annoyance. “What am I if not Leophat?...” Avrin began to think and then grinned. “Your race is a variant of Spectral. Therefore your race will be Nemean. A Spectral Nemean. Yes I like that” Avrin began to rub his chin with satisfaction.

“Spectral Nemean. Haehe.” The newly named Nemean seemed to also like the name, as it had a sort of tough, strong feeling to it, and it was also unique. One of a kind, until it had kin. Avrin then called out “That’s not all. I need a name for you. I’m not just going to call you Nemean from now on. Do you have any?”

The creature, now slowly becoming accustomed to Avrin, was now healing slowly. Avrin as well, was still absorbing the mana. The area was starting to become infused with dark matter and giving a ghostly feeling. As if the space was twisting. But to Avrin and the Nemean, this was like home.

“Name...I I need name?” It asked curiously and Avrin spoke. “Dragons have names because they’re all different and very powerful. Later on, if there are many of your kind, how will I tell the difference and tell you apart? If you are one day to match dragons, you also need a name.”

Knowing that this made a lot of sense, the creature was satisfied with his answer and nodded before speaking “Master, I don’t know names...Please give me name. Please give. I want to be powerful like dragon.” It spoke, almost as if begging, to which Avrin nodded and took advantage of.

“Very well. A name for you. The first of your kind as well as a being of immense power. Your name will be Asura, because just like them, you seek power and you compete. In this case compete with dragons. You are the first Spectral Nemean, Asura” Avrin spoke as he had stopped absorbing mana and had folded his arms with satisfaction.

“Azara..Azura….Asura. I am Asura. Haha, Asura Asura Asura. I am ASURA!” Asura also roared with satisfaction. Avrin seemed to have convinced him that it was indeed a worthy name. As the creature began to calm down, it went over to Avrin and embraced him in a tight hug. Avrin blinked as he coughed a bit. This creature still had significant strength and it was overly excited. “S..Stop Asura. Besides, there is a problem…”

Asura blinked and let Avrin go as it spoke in a growl “Who cause problem?! I will fight and defeat problem!!” Avrin laughed softly. Asura was indeed dumb, but also entertaining. He then began to think. Rubbing his chin again.

“The problem is. I wonder how I’m going to explain this to Syrana…”



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  • Penguin Cliffhanger


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