

The foxes recovered bidding their time behind the rocky mound five meters tall formed from the ground pushed uphill leaving behind a trench surrounded by scattered barbed wires with meter-wide loops anchored to the stones. Since their approach was delayed, they analyzed the situation and elaborated a plan to turn the battle around and deal with the matriarch that hasn't made her appearance.


"...About damn time!" A lean spear user wearing armor cursed peeking over the rocks.

"Indeed..." Zarion nodded agreeing and turned to his partner getting healed. "Sorry, Brashu, but I'm gonna need you to keep some of your wounds and pretend to catch Earth 9 off-guard." He commanded.

"Okay... I should be able to hold her down in that state..." The beast growled in response.

"Nng..." The leader nodded and turned to the archer. "Xioyu, get up there and start shooting while she's distracted." He casually ordered and turned to the others.

"Got it." A finely dressed red-haired archer in brown leather equipment accepted and climbed the earth mound.

*Thump! Chhhah! Klack!* The archer firmly stood on top of the earth mound and pulled a meter-long steel arrow from the quiver on his back before setting it on the string of a metal bow nearly two meters long. *Kreeeg! Fwuop! Tsuuuurgh!* The firefox pulled the string back as much as his arms allowed and created a fiery vortex around the arrow lowering the gas density without affecting the metal.

"Hazel and Yero will do flanking." Zarion continued issuing orders.

""On it..."" The two said and moved to the sides with care not to get tangled.

"The rest of you get into position... We should be able to handle the wolf..." The leader finished addressing the support and grabbed an axe as long as him with a double blade 2-feet wide.

""Right! Roger. Yes, sir..."" The subordinates acknowledged and moved back out before splitting into two groups going East and West in a circular manner while the injured remained in the trench.

The archer probed while reading the heat within the dust cloud until he acquired the target and aimed before releasing the arrow. *Pe-shuu! Swooh--Bwosh!* The bowstring pulled the arrow shaft unrestrainedly as the conical flame vortex shrank and compressed for an instant near the bow's handle before spewing the projectile out explosively. *Friiiuuushh!* The arrow shaft ignited soon after providing additional speed and power as the arrow zipped through the dusty air towards the golden she-wolf. *Swisss--Shak! Krrsshhh!* The hardened metal tip of the projectile penetrated the thick beast hide deep enough to lodge inside the flesh with a plume of fire from the shaft still pushing in.

"Grouu!?" The earthen wolf uttered and looked down surprised at the arrow sticking out of her forechest.

The archer confirmed to have asserted his target and pulled the bowstring again in a repetitive motion. *Pe-shuu! Pe-shuu! Pe-shuu! Swisss~ Swisss--Shak! Shuk! Shuk! Krrsshhh!!!* Three more arrows flew and plunged into the golden fur while the she-wolf mobilized her magic to push the projectiles out. *Thud!! Thud--BANG! BANG! BANG!* The four arrows fell before the shafts stopped burning and the metal tips suddenly exploded on the ground sending shrapnel flying off like bullets.

Nice trick... A metal unknown to me--huh!!? The she-wolf commended and noticed more incoming projectiles.

*Swisss~ Swisss~ Swisss~* Another set of arrows pierced the dust cloud and the golden beast moved her left paw swatting the air. *Thock! Tlack! Tlack!* She deflected the projectiles and raised a thin earth wall on top of the fallen arrows to block the rest and mitigate the explosions. *Krrrumm! Thud! Tak! Tak! BUP! BUP! BUP!* The arrows safely exploded with muffled sounds a little earlier than the previous ones as the shooter was adjusting the timer.

The ranged attack stopped and the breeze blowing to the west clears the smoke making the foxes 40 meters downhill to the north increasingly visible for the golden wolf.

"Oy!? What's with this beast?!" An armored firefox riding a crimson beast East of the earth mound derided. "It's already in a sorry state and we haven't done anything! Gahaha!" He mocked holding a Great Axe on the right hand and laughed.

"Hah! It thinks it has a chance because their tricks stopped us for a while? The arrogance!!" The young fox person wielding a Spear on the West said contemptuously.

"I don't know where your tribe learned those methods, but you clearly don't have the advantage anymore." The archer addressed the wolf pointing his bow from the elevation.

"Gahahah~ That was embarrassing. Even Xioyu didn't notice the traps!" The Rank 10 announced touching his long ears poking out of the helmet and the eyes closed.

"Aiyaaah~ We were so close to our goal after so many years that I lost sight of everything else... Ha-ha-ha..." The archer excused his failure with a forced laugh.

"Well, it's alright... Just being here and triggering the traps before the main force was caught up in them is worth some sacrifices." The leader assured before lifting a large double-edged ax to the left side.

"Hah! They'll exterminate all wolves anyways..." The spear fox person declared.

...Stalling? Too bad your reinforcements aren't coming...yet. The she-wolf asserted as her fur puffed aggressively. 

"Gohon! There's no need to fight to the death, Elder." An old fox person wielding sword and shield reasoned in front of the archer. "Sir, we shouldn't provoke cornered beasts." He whispered to his left.

"Hazel's right..." The leader quietly acknowledged. "Just surrender and I'll spare your lives!" He announced.

Surrender...?! Your magic reveals a malicious intent though. Erina discovered rolling eyes at the shameless fox person and spoke.

"HUNFF! Who do you think I am?" The she-wolf scoffed showing her indignation without being fully understood.

"GRRR! Gruwoen kien gyau!" The firefox beast snarled equally confusing for the she-wolf.

"As Brashu said... have it your way." The leader translated.

"Let's see what you can do low on Magic resources... Kukuku~" The shield user in front of the earth mound mused with a joyful expression.

"Hah! This is gonna be fun!" The spear user anticipated filled with confidence.

...Enjoy bullying me? There's no need to keep any of you alive! Erina affirmed snarling menacingly and started approaching the foxes.

*Thu-rum! Thu-rum! Thum! Dun. Dun...* The she-wolf slowly descend the rocky ground riddled with metal wires meant to tangle intruders as her magic territory was increasingly suppressed by the high-ranking firefox. *Fwoop! Fwoop!* Fist-size fireballs started igniting in a 15-meter wide circle around the golden beast which startled her for a moment as she could not sense the fire users producing a large mass of flammable gases in preparations. *FwooOOWOOOOSSHHH!* A raging inferno ignited explosively in the shape of a doughnut that continued to expand threatening to swallow the wolf in the center.

"GWUK!" The she-wolf uttered lowering her body and looking around in a panic before trying to leave.

*Thump! Thump!* The she-wolf approached the intense 10-meter thick flames squinting her eyes and decided to jump when the fire users moved the combustion. *WhooOOSSHH!* The blazes retracted in front and closed behind the wolf as if she didn't move at all save for the scorches marks on the ground.

"WHA--!!?" Erina blurted surprised with eyes wide open and desisted her rash actions.

""BURN!!! BUU~UURN! ROAST!"" The five foxes rejoiced out loud while maintaining concentration fueling the 30-meter wide flames on the inclined hillside.

Grrrr! The bastards started with a big one... Erina reviewed calming down and carefully expanded her magic as solid as possible to push back the five magic energies controlling the fiery monstrosity.

*TSURURUURURUG!* The large yellow-blueish blazes stopped shrinking at a 10-meter diameter around the golden wolf consuming the oxygen in the safe zone and increasing the temperature while toxic gases accumulated.

Urgh! I can't jump out... Maybe throwing sand in the fire...? Dug in...? The earthen wolf analyzed her options while the fire users became impatient.

"Tch! Expand the vortex upwards and increase intensity. There's still breathable air in there." The fox leader ordered and focused on controlling the combustion once more.

*SWOoooOWhooOOOSSHH!* The blazing doughnut started rotating counterclockwise rapidly shrinking the walls thickness down to 3 meters while growing skywards forming a fiery tornado close to 30 meters high. *KssSSHHH! Blub! Blurp! Dlub! PSHH!* The searing temperatures started melting dirt beyond the temperature the earth user could control and flood towards her paws while the fast-moving flames gauged the ground.

"EEP! HUARF! KUF! KUF!" The she-wolf let out distressed whimpers of wanting to get out from the suffocatingly hot air affecting her lungs.

Arrggh! I need to get out--NOW! But rushing covered in rock would take a lot of Mana--No, it won't work... I should be efficient with low reserves... There has to be a better way... Erina analyzed the precarious situation inside the fiery prison. Ah! The inclined terrain and rotation--THAT'S IT! It's going to be close... I determined a method to escape before getting roasted alive.

*KRRrrruum!* The she-wolf erected a long wall of stone and dirt oriented to the East and covered the paws in a thin layer stone layer before retracting her magic. *FwoooOOSSHHH! BWUASH!* The blazing wall of fire immediately closed in diameter and encountered the earthen obstacle as the golden wolf dashed out through the gap. *Tarash! Tarash! Whoosh! Kruru--THUMM!* The canine continued running East as the meter-wide stone wall crumbled and turned to dust before melting away.

"WHAT!? How--!?" The fox leader blurted shocked silly by the wolf's stuns.

"She slipped out!!" The crimson fox beast announced.

""What!?"" The other foxes sounded and scanned the landscape.

"Quick! Change the whirlwind shape, and blow it up..." The rank 10 Foxman ordered.

Nearly 50 meters to the East...

"WUwuwu! Hot! Hot! Hot!" Erina complained shaking her legs and jumping on the spot to remove the incandescent molten rock and the tangled wires.

*BwuooOOOSSHH!* The fire whirlwind reaching high up in the sky shrunk down to about ten meters tall and exploded horizontally. *KooooOOMM!* The fire wave mowed everything in its path and lit things on fire while approaching distracted the she-wolf.

"AH!" The golden wolf uttered noticing the danger and turned around while injecting Magic into the ground.

*Krrrummm!* A meter-thick and 3 high stone wall erected from the ground before the beast laid down covering her eyes with the burnt forepaws. *BrururuURUMM--WHOOOOSHHhhhh!!* The ground tremors intensified as the fiery shockwave approached the earthen wolf and smashed into the wall with the ferocity of starving beasts disintegrating it as it passed over and continued east. *SWOooo... Tak! Prak! Psshhh! Tsss! Crack! Trak! Crackle!* The heavy fire wave smoothed the terrain and sooted black the rocks leaving burning grass releasing smoke and a crumbling earthen wall barely protecting the she-wolf before dissipating.

"HOOOT!" Erina yowled and got up before shaking her body with smoke coming out the fur.

Urgh... The visibility is back to a few meters ahead, and that accursed fox is overpowering my probe to keep my senses blind again. This is why fighting high ranks is troublesome... The she-wolf lamented unable to confirm the enemy's position. Well, at least the wires were blown away too. I can get close to the foxes now... She affirmed staying still and focused the rest of her senses waiting for the foxes to appear.

"Woah... What a slippery wolf... Gahaha!" The fox leader said impressed and laughed.

"Hah! It only knows how to run!" The spear user commented.

""..."" The others kept their opinions to themselves observing the target run freely after wasting a lot of mana.

"I'm giving chase!" The Rank 10 firefox declared and gripped his weapon before getting out of the saddle. "You guys follow..." He ordered mobilizing magic to his feet and jumped off his partner's back.

*FriiuuUUSSHH!* Two blue fire jets ignited under the steel boots of the armored Foxman and slowed him down coming to a stop near the ground. *Brururuash!* The rocket-like fire jet carved the ground before he increased the fuel and took off to the sky to give chase. *SWOOSH!* The Rank 10 flew in the sky holding a great axe on his left hand while sensing the general location of the earthen wolf.

Huum!? The golden wolf heard the approaching noise and followed the source. Great... A flying fox... What a terrific waste of magic... She criticized the flight advantage.

"There you are!" Zarion confirmed visually stopping at 20 meters away from the wolf and 10 to the ground, then gathered magic in his right hand.

*Friuusshh!... Fwoop! WooOONG!* The fire user compressed a 2-feet fireball on his right hand while maintaining the blue fire jets spewing from under his feet.

The author's narrative has been misappropriated; report any instances of this story on Amazon.

"Humph!" Erina scoffed and made 4 stone lances of 2-meters long with up to 3 inches thick.

*WhiiiiiIIING!!! Whiiisss!! Whiiisss!!* The cone-shaped stone pillars spun at many revolutions before shooting towards the Foxman. *BANG! KLACK!! KA-Chiiiin~!* A stone spike impacted the armor leaving a dent in the waist while the other was parried by the axe without a scratch.

"GUAH!" The fox person let out a sound pushed back in the air and stabilized before releasing his attack.

*BwuooOOSH!* The 2-feet glowing blue fireball shot towards the wolf's head at high speed leaving a trail of smoke.

Grrr... The armor is normal...I'm just too far. But his weapon is Divine-made! I can't manipulate that kind of metal... Erina conjectured following the trajectory of the enlarging fireball and jumped left.

*Whoop! Thump!* The golden beast barely dodged on time as the fiery attack grazed the glistering fur before landing in her previous position. *BOOMM!* The fireball reached a meter wide and exploded making a crater almost 2 meters wide while the Firefox prepared more fireballs around his body.

"Let's see how well you dance..." The fox leader sneered up in the air and launched a set of 5 towards the wolf and her surrounding.

Like I'll be your target practice! I need a cover... Erina concluded feeling cornered and expanded her magic as far as the higher rank's pressure allowed.

*WrruoorooOOOSHH!* The earthen wolf created a thick sandstorm that covered her position and slowed down the fireballs while sensing their location. *Whoop--BOOMM! Whoop--BOOMM! Whop--BOOMM!...* The golden beast dodged the bombardment inside the dust cloud with barely any time to spare but the explosions were still affecting her insides.

"Huff! Huff!" Erina panted wearing down.

"Stay still, DAMN IT!" The firefox complained irritated seeing his long-range attacks had no effect.

Oh, okay... The she-wolf obeyed and remained in one spot unable to see the fox approach.

*Friuusshh!* The fox leader flew in closer to interrupt her magic arts while preparing another set of explosives. *Wrruooshhh!* The dome-shape sandstorm spinning counterclockwise around the earthen wolf began to shrink which made it easier for the firefox to aim. *Bwuosh!!* Three fireballs entered the dust-field as the wolf calculated their trajectory and lowered her rump. *Whiish--BOOMM! BOOM! BOOM!* A fireball passed over the sitting beast and landed right behind her while the other two further away.

Urgh... Erina endured the shockwaves and took a pouncing stance diverting her magic from the sandstorm.

*Krrrrr--WHOOP! Whoosh!* She raised the ground under the paws while controlling her bones with elementals and leaped high up in the sky.

"AH!" The firefox saw the golden wolf shoot out of the falling dust cloud but was too slow to dodge and blocked with his weapon.

*Swiss--KLAANNK!!* The airborne wolf swung her left paw and the metal claws collided with the great axe sending shockwaves through the air and their bodies with powerful recoil. *FRUuiiisshhhh!* The Firefox was thrown 20 meters away leaving two columns of fire behind as the wolf fell in his previous position. *THOOOMM!* The she-wolf landed on the scorched ground raising a cloud of dust and flexed her legs breaking the fall.

HEAVY! As expected from Divine damage my claws. Glad I didn't go for a bite... Erina reviewed feeling her paw numbed from the clash and sensed vibrations on the ground.

*Whoop! FWUMP! Pa-rash! Pa-rash! Srashhh!* The she-wolf circled back to the East near her crumbled wall to confront the approaching enemies. *Thu-rum! Thu-rum!* A crimson fox limped with the right foreleg trickling blood from injuries by the early cannon barrage while the other foxes sneak around the wolf in a wide circle.

Well, I am pleased to know some upper high ranks suffered damage from our improvised weapons... Erina judged the beast getting closer from the northwest to be a low threat and scanned the hillside. Now, where are the others? She wondered and noticed distorted humanoid patches moving uphill 50 meters to the south. That is...!!? Right, the light bending with hot air that Nefiru mentioned is their Fire invisibility... I'm surrounded, huh... She asserted when the rank 10 fox called out while flying close to her.

"Hmph! You won't get lucky again, Wolf!" The rank 10 firefox declared hovering in the air charging more attacks. "Surrender, and you will be spared. I'll keep you as my Pet. Gahaha!" He announced before laughing maliciously.

Annoying... It's like he's begging to be killed... Erina thought irritated.

"GWRUFF!" She snorted and began preparing more stone lances.

*Krrrruamm!! WhiiiiiIIING!!! Whiiisss!!* The earthen wolf feed her elementals creating four cone-shaped stone pillars that spun quickly and shoot at the fox leader. *Swiiissh~ *Swiiissh~* The sharp lances whistled through the air approaching the airborne fox that easily noticed and dodged without much effort. *Thonk! Thu-runk! Thuruum!* The earthen projectiles landed thirty meters on the west from the wolf that grimaced having wasted precious mana.

"Last chance, Wolf! Surrender. Or we'll butcher every single Wolf from Pups to those who will run away, and use your furs as floor rugs!" The nefarious fox provoked with a sinister smile that portrayed only wicked intentions.

"GRRRRN!" The she-wolf gave in to the provocations and snarled hatefully.

"Then, DIE! HAA!" Zarion responded to the aggression and yelled.

*Fwoop!! Fwoop!! Bwuosh!!* A set of 5 blue fireballs appeared around the armored person and shoot towards the golden beast from an effective distance on the west. *Whooshh! Whoop--BOOM! Whoop--BOOM! BOOM!! Whooshh!* The she-wolf dodged four explosions while the fifth came delayed, and just as it passed in front of the wolf's right eye, the crimson fox sprinted towards her right.

"WHA--!?" Erina blurted in shock after detecting proximity from the right with her probe.

However, the she-wolf was unable to react in time as the crimson fox had faked being gravely injured the entire time while the Rank 10 provided a distraction and cover with explosions.

*Thu-rum! Thu-rum! GHAUP! Kssshh!* Brashu elevated the temperature of particles in the surface of his fangs and sank them into the neck of the golden wolf melting through her hide with ease.

""GRAAA! GRAW-ARGH! WRUAGH! GRRR! HAAAA!"" The she-wolf yowled pulling away and the fox beast growled using all his strength to pin her down.

*Brrrr~ Kssshhh!* The magic energies of the two snarling beasts clash as the Upper-Rank 9 wolf interrupted the low-Rank 9 from using fire up close and the fox fangs cooled down quickly. *Klarsh! Klack! Klarsh! Tash! Tash! Whooosh!* The armored spear wielder rush at the wolf's left flank and the shield-bearer dashes to her right while the archer stealthy approach her rear from the East.

"GAHAHA! This is just like the time we killed your mother!" The fox leader triumphantly declared holding his great axe with both hands while descending at high speed toward the wolf's head.

"W-WHA--!!?" Erina blurted at the shocking revelation with gloomy emotions flooding her mind and glanced at the flying fox.

Oh, no... NOOO! Erina rued her blunder in a panic without enough time to find the right solution.

The world had slowed down for the golden beast in a perilous situation feeling each heartbeat like hammers in her mind and quick cold breaths that chilled the soul. Suddenly, the idea of revenge wormed its way into the centuries-old wolf's mind, and gritted her fangs, tensed the thick muscles, and sent the rest of her magic underground.

*Friuoooshh!* The fox leader chopped at the golden beast's skull with his great axe leaving a trail of blue flames as the sharp edge gleam before her eyes. *SwoooOOSH!* The spear user propelled himself towards the beast's belly with a 4-meter long fire plume coming out of the shaft. *Whoosh!* The shield bearer dashed enveloped in blazes with multiple flame jets pointing behind him as well.

Arrrgggh... Have a taste then! The she-wolf decided a risky move to get back at the fox and waited for the last moment before taking action.

*FriUUSSHH!! Bang! Bang! Bang!* The rank 10 firefox swung his metal Axe from the right while creating a series of small explosions to increase velocity, and the wolf activated her magic just as his arms blocked the line of sight. *Krrrururumm--! Frashh! Tak! Crack!* The earth user absorbed the materials she could from the ground beneath their forepaws and a square patch of ground sank almost 2 meters shifting the position of the two beasts.

"KYUON!!?" Brashu let out a surprised sound without knowing his head was now in the trajectory of the fiery Axe descending from the sky.

*PA-TRHUACKK-K! K-krack!* The accelerating heavy Axe carried enough momentum to easily cut through the beast fur and burst through the skull all the way to the brain before lodging. *WhooSHH!* The impact force transmitted to the wolf's neck he was biting and pushed her down with strong vibrations running through their bodies.

"JYA--JY--Jii!!" The crimson beast stuttered with the Axe blade lodged in his brain while the two other foxes arrived at the wolf's sides.

"HOAAH!" The spear user yelled thrusting his weapon with all his might at the lowered beast belly while combustion multiplied the force.

*Fruoosh! Pa-CHIAK! Ksshh!* The foot-long blade coated in high-temperature flames stabbed through the golden hide and burns the flesh inside with black smoke coming out the wound.

"HYA! HYA!" The shield bearer shouted brandishing his short sword ablaze at the right foreleg joints.

*Swhosh! Shiiak! Swhosh! Shiak! Swhosh! Swuok!* The fiery slashes vaporized the hair, seared the hide and burns away the flesh while cutting deeper with each swing.

"HYAAAN!! HYAN!" The she-wolf whimpered agonizingly before the pain subsided with each ragged breath as the nerves burn.

Arrrgh! It hurts... B-but it could've hurt a lot more...even if my fur is tough enough to survive, contrary to this Fox. Erina asserted feeling the throbbing pain gradually fading.

"Huuuh!!? No, no, no, no... T-this can't be... Brashu! Talk to me! BRASHU!" The rank 10 landed on the red beast and called anxiously after realizing what he had done.

"K-kyuu...u..." The creature latching on the wolf whimpered feebly in response.

"H-hang on buddy... Don't move... You're going to be okay..." Zarion softly assured but his trembling hands offered no confidence and turned to look at the trench behind the earth mound. "HEALEEERRR!!" He bellowed calling out the blue and white fox hiding out of sight.

The fool! Getting so emotional in battle will be your undoing! The she-wolf criticized and predicted her chance to act mobilizing magic secretly.

""What happened!!?"" The two melee attackers stopped their onslaught to ask.

"Oh..." The archer on the East stopped his camouflage to observe the situation and hurried closer.

The earth user injected her magic into the metal weapons and analyzed its composition before commanding elementals to shift the atomic bonds. *Griiik! Kreeekk!* The she-wolf bent the short sword and moved the shield away while absorbing the Iron-Carbon-Nicklel alloy of spear blade lodged in her before controlling the bones in the right hind leg. *PRAANG!* She kicked the distracted shield foxer in the abdomen sending him flying ten meters through the air downhill.

"Bu-hack!" The Foxman sounded spewing the air in his lungs and brought the shield closer to his body.

"Eh!? HAZEL!" Yero noticed and called out from under the wolf while letting go of his weapon.

*KU-RASH! KLARSH! Klarsh!...* The armored fox man slammed on the ground and bounced four meters slowing down while rolling. *Pa-klack! Cla-rak-rak!* The sturdy wooden pole two inches thick fell on the rocky ground and bounced.

"Ghack! Uuugghh..." Hazel groaned after stopping.

"Eh...!? MY SPEAR!!" The melee fighter cried out stupified and looked at the stick wondering what happened.

Hmph! You forgot that you are fighting a high ranked earth beast with a normal weapon!? Erina derided and used the distraction she caused to grow stone inside the dying fox's mouth.

*Krrrrurum! Chh--Kluap!* The earth user pried open the beast maw until each fang slipped out of the holes in the neck before pulling her head out. *Whoop! THUMP!* The golden beast leaped away from the entrapment and turned right before sprinting away. *Shra-rum! Thu-rum! Thu-rum!* The earth user dashed East and stopped at 60 meters away to reassess the situation. *Shruu--THOOM!* The crimson beast wobbled for a moment with a rock in his mouth and slumped over the hole raising a cloud of dust.

"BRASHU!!" The Axe wielder wailed horrified and could only pat the quivering beast as the healer approached.

*Fwuop! Tsuuuurgh!* The archer firmly stood twenty meters away from the wolf adjusting the explosive timing and rapidly pulled his bow enveloped in fire. *Pe-shuu! Pe-shuu! Friiiuuushh!* The arrows shoot out propelled with fire towards the back of the wolf's right hind leg.

"HA-HUFF! HA-HUFF!" The golden beast panted calming down and stitching her wounds with thin wires while watching the enemy's reaction.

That had an effect greater than I thought... Now, I just need to get close-- The she-wolf analyzed when she noticed familiar noises from behind.

*Swisss!! Shiak! Shiak! Krrsshhh!!* Two metal arrows whistled through the air and pierced the hide in the joints one after the other lodging a little over two inches deep. *BANG! BANG! Blursh!* The arrow tips immediately detonated inside the flesh splattering blood and hair on the ground.

"HYAAUU!!" Erina wailed in agony and looked behind.

*Shra-rum! Thu-rum!* The golden beast limped to the left leaving a blood trail and dodging by a small margin the arrows that landed on her previous spot. *Swisss~ BANG! BANG! Prak! Prak! Bash! Duash! Whiiiish!* The explosive arrows stabbed the ground sending dirt and pebbles flying everywhere as the archer prepared more.

Meanwhile, the fox healer arrived at the crimson beast and started treatment while the Rank 10 careful pulled the great axe from his partner's skull.

Grrrah! Nefiru warned to eliminate the weak first if possible and not drag the fight unless I can withstand the attacks. Now, my mobility is reduced... Curses! I'm not good at fighting alone... I wish my brothers and sister were here--AH! The she-wolf analyzed when the magic suppression vanished and immediately turned to the archer.

"Oh-oh..." Xioyu noticed the dangerous intentions and puffed his tail before creating a cloud of smoke to run.

Humph! Die! Erina thought, commanding her magic near the smoke.

*Shrrrak! Shrrrak! Shrrrak!!* The she-wolf erected 9 stone cones from the ground aimed at the possible location of the archer inside the moving cloud. *Shrrrak! Twuang! Thud!* One of the earthen spikes scraped the fox's back and snapped the quiver away.

Grrr... Slippery fox... But you aren't using that anymore! She thought irritated and buried the pack of arrows before turning to the shield bearer getting up.

*Srrr--Kruk!* A thin stone spike came out of the ground and impaled the armored fox in his crotch.

"AHHHH!" The former male fox screamed gripping the nether region before falling down.

Nefiru's right about the armor being weaker there... That'll do for now... I can't waste much mana--!? Or time... The she-wolf asserted when an intense mana wave came from the left.

*WOooo~* The vestiges of life escape the fox beast on the east, and slightly recovered the mana of all those present.

"NOOOOO!!" The firefox bellowed while hugging the lifeless fox corpse.

YESSS! What does it feel to kill your life-long companion with the same trick supposedly used on my mother? I would like you to suffer longer, but it's not important... Now, DIE! Erina rejoiced and directed her magic above the grieving firefox 50 meters on the east.

*Krrrruuuook! Swiishh~* A two meters wide cylindrical stone cone weighting 3 tones formed 15 meters high in the sky and accelerated towards the distracted fox person along with gravity.

"Look out!" An approaching golden fox alerted and created a stone pillar inclined to protect his leader.

*Kkrrunn--BAM! THONK! Durrrr~* The conical rock impacted the stone pillar in the way and fell on the side before rolling downhill.

Grrrraah! The she-wolf growled inwards cursing the interference of three more high rankers arriving and wondered what to do next.

"T-there's nothing we could've done, sir. The brain was badly damaged." The Fox healer reported apologetically.

"W-whyyyyy...?! Uh-huk! Huk! Huk!" The rank 10 asked with a trembling voice and sniveled hugging the beast from the east.

"Sir! Sir! Pull yourself together! SIR!" The stick user encouraged.

Hmm.... I need a clear line of sight...the beast corpse is in the way. Even in death, his cherished partner protects him... The golden beast analyzed with admiration and started limping closer while picturing a strange device taught to her.

"...Kill...kill..." The rank 10 muttered trembling and got up with an ugly expression. "KILL! KILL THAT WOLF!" He barked emitting bloodlust and shuffled in his clothes. 

"O-okay... But Sir! W-what may you be planning to do with the Top-quality Manastone?!" The Rank 9 nervously asked.

A wha--!? That... can't be good... Erina asserted in desperation tensing up and speed up spurting blood from wounds while starting the construction of a metal frame in her mouth. Almost theeeere... She thought, hoping for a few more breaths uninterrupted as the armored chest comes into view.

"Rampage! And give me your Elementals, now!" He replied and swallowed the crystal before concentrating.

""O-okay... Of course... Right away sir..."" The fire user accepted and concentrated.


About the author


  • Florida

Bio: Writes in spare Time. Still has much to learn.

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