

Goblin: Tower of Gates LitRPG Book One

Don't Let a Single bad Review on Chapter 1 Keep You Away

Well written, interesting game mechanics, hidden humor, and the characters are more than they appear to be in chapter one. Please don't listen to trolls, the bane of RRL. yell 

Read it! 300 plus pages of litrpgness!

Life in New World (LNW)
  • I find myself cheering for the character.
  • Look forward to seeing how the relationships work out.
  • More please!

The Gam3

Can't wait until you are able to contour the story. More please!

When VR Gaming Hurts

Updates after **Update**


Style – well written without any annoying aspects. Leaves out allot of things that commonly annoy with first person. Sets a good foundation for the story.


**Updated** The style is at a much higher quality than most on RRL. Love the action scenes.


Story – it’s still early but a great work in progress. I appreciate the anticipation of things to come. Deserves a much higher rating.


**Update** falling in love with the story. It’s moving along, though still early, but this is my favorite work in progress currently on RRL.




Grammar – the author notes that it is only his 2-3rd draft. He doesn’t want it to distract the reader. This is accomplished. Still has work to do but only a few issues here and there.


**Updated** I under estimated how good the grammar is. Still some typos, but even those are appearing less in later chapters.


Character – even though the MC frustrates me at some points, I actual don’t mind because I think I see where the author is going. He’s a bit of a mess with all the chaos, but shows signs of raising above it all. Really look forward to what he becomes in the future.


**Update** the advancement of the MC and secondary characters is done really well. I’m not sure I like Victoria as a person, she’s now more of a mystery than ever, but I like her character if that makes senses. Some one else said it. The way it’s written let’s you know what the MC is thinking and feeling really well.


Awesome set of non clique characters!


Overall this is not a normal RRL fiction and we’ll worth the read. The moment you expect something you find out things aren’t that simple. Love the world building as well.


Constantly cheering for the MC and friends. They aren't overpowered, but still amazing!